Learn French with Lytext and Cotext

Two brand new digital resources

Lytext: Made for highschool

LyText is a program designed to help students prepare for the French Baccalaureate. This tool, developed by the Nancy-Metz regional education authority, in collaboration with ATILF, CNRS and Lorraine University, is one of the 21 research projects in digital teaching supported by the PLANETE project. Lytext consists of a selection of national school curriculum literary excerpts with general and analytical annotation to facilitate understanding and interpretation of key texts. LyText helps students who are preparing for the Baccalaureate to build up text analysis that corresponds to the expectations of examiners.

What about Cotext ?

Cotext is a new research project which helps students prepare the French middle school certificate. Its aim is to facilitate the understanding of literary texts, to improve students autonomy in text analysis, and to boost grammar skills.

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