Our Partners

Our Partners !

Discover all our partners around the world.

The DANE of Nancy-Metz Education Authority wants to develop its role at an international level and has become increasingly involved in projects that span international borders. To this end, we will participate in the implementation of the Cross-Border Plurilingualism Convention by providing a digital dimension to multilingual projects promoting intercultural exchanges. We also develop partnerships with foreign digital educational services though active participation in major international events related to e-Education.

Landesinstitut für Pädagogik und Medien

State institute for pedagogy and medias (Partnership : Plurilingualism).

RheinlandPfalz Pädagogisches Landesinstitut

Department in charge of lifelong learning and profesional training (Partnership : Plurilingualism).

Smart Venice

Private institute of research and counseling on digital innovation, social inclusion and gender equality (Partnership : Erasmus+ project FIT).

Fondation P&V

Foundation which supports active citizenship and fights against social exclusion of young people (Partnership : Erasmus+ project KEEP)

Frederick university

Private institute of research and counseling on digital innovation, social inclusion and gender equality (Partnership : Erasmus+ project FIT).

Panepistimion Patron

Foundation which supports active University of Patras, Department of Educational Sciences & Early Childhood Education. (Partnership : Erasmus+ project KEEP)

IBE | Instytut Badan Edukacyjnych

Research institute in education sciences, Warsaw (Partnership : Erasmus+ project KEEP).

Fédération des cégeps

CEGEPs of the east of Quebec (Partnership : Canadian Symposium on digital education)

AFLEC | Association Franco-Libanaise

Franco-Lebanese association for Education and Culture (Partnership : International agreement).

Gifu University

Gifu University, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Gifu (Partnership : Rob’Autism).

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo (Partnership : Rob’Autism).
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