An innovation in teaching methods

The PLANETE project

Discover this ambitious project which brings new
technologies from laboratories directly to our classrooms

Planete, a European project

discover our line of work

The PLANETE project (Projet Lorrain Ambition Numérique En Territoires) aims to address the challenges of e-learning. It runs from October 1st 2019 to December 31st 2023 and is financed by FEDER funds. Its goal is to enrich teaching resources and establish new innovative practices through research trialled within a network of schools as well as developing a smart exchange platform. To meet these goals, this project revolves around three lines of work.


E-lab in disadvantaged or remote areas

Establishing a Digital Culture in remote, rural or disadvantaged areas.

Digital resources

Adapting new technologies from research laboratories for the field of eductation

LUNE (Laboratoire des Usages du Numérique Educatif)

Developing a smart platform for digital resources to meet the needs of teachers.

What is PLANETE ?

Co-financed with the European Union within the framework of the FEDER-FSE-IEJ Lorraine Operational Programme and Massif des Vosges 2014-2020, PLANETE is a European project which aims to share new resources and practices based on detailed research to schools to enhance academic success. It is also revitalizing rural and disadvantaged areas by bringing together members of the e-learning community.
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