eTwinning project : « Free Your Emotions! »

French and Polish pupils have worked on an eTwinning project about Emotions. The project was initiated during a seminar in Poland with 6 French and 6 Polish teachers. They built the project together and used the same Twinspace (a secured European platform) to organise activities in English with pupils aged 12 to 14 years-old. Together, more than 160 pupils created the logo of the project and read the same books but 5 teams were formed to engage smaller groups of students in collaborative activities.

The aim of the project was to work on emotions to feel better at school and at home, related to SDG3 : « good health and well-being »

Logo of the project « Free your Emotions! »

30 french pupils (5eA) aged 12-13 from Vincent Van Gogh school in Blénod-Lès-Pont-à-Mousson worked with 27 Polish pupils from Szkola Podstawona nr 2 in Pozna with their English teachers Laurence Langlois and Barbara Nsir.

Activity 1 : all pupils read a book from the collection Mr Men Little Miss from Hargreaves. They worked on the feelings and emotions of the different characters.

Emotional portraits

Activity 2 : pupils from each country created a written emotional portrait and a separate illustration of it. Partners had to match the written portrait with the illustration to find out who was who.

Activity 3 : in 7 transnational teams, in the forum of the Twinspace, pupils exchange on solutions to manage different emotions. Then, they created posters based on suggestions made by all pupils.

Posters about solutions to manage emotions

Activity 4 : in 7 transnational teams pupils invented 7 collaborative stories on emotions for younger pupils.

First, they made a description of their main character and used artificial intelligence to generate a picture of their character and agreed on their favourite illustration.

Then, Polish partners wrote the first part of the story and French partners continued and finished the stories.

French pupils proposed 3 titles and Polish partners chose their favourite among the 3.

Finally, all 7 stories were published and recorded by pupils.

7 characters generated with AI
7 stories

Friends of the Forest (team 1)
Story invented by : Dawid, Antoni, Kamil,Tomasz, Enora, Iona, Yasmine, Yassine

Story recorded by Nadia, Dawid, Natalia, Antoni
Story recorded by Enora, Iona, Ceylan and Timothée

The Adventures of the Magic Books (team 2)
Story invented by : Akel, Yanis, Chloé, Clara, Marek, Matvii, Adrian, Nadia

Story recorded by : Matvii, Jakub Rubinowski, Adrian

Darlene and the Bad Mark (team 3)
Story invented by : Gauthier, Rajan, Guillaume, Firdaws, Ilya, Dariia, Yaroslava

Story recorded by : Tomek, Dariia, Nadia, Yaroslava

Sophie’s Loneliness (team 4)
Story invented by : Raphaël, Timothée, Rose, Eda, Jakub R, Oleg, Bartosz

Story recorded by Rose, Nina and Iona

Marshal is Sad (team 5)
Story invented by : Lucille, Ceylan, Aline, Joachim, Antonin, Aleksander, Nikodem, Natalia, Danylo

Story recorded by Nina, Ram, Rose, Ceylan and Gauthier

The Lost Dog (team 6)
Story invented by : Yola, Imran, Izac, Nina, Anastasiya, Ivan, Iwo, Dominika, Natalia

Story recorded by Adrian, Tomasz, Jakub Rubinowski, Nadia

Mark Needs Help (team7)
Story invented by : Jakub Kurek, Jakub Kropacz, Valentyna, Kira, Ram, Alicia, Enzo, Eryn

Story recorded by Kuba Rubinowski, Jakub Kropacz, Dawid, Tomasz.

Activity 5 : An online meeting was organised and common activities on emotions were played by Polish and French pupils at the same time.

French pupils working in the webradio studio recording the stories.

Polish pupils recording the stories too in the class.

French pupils
Polish pupils
Polish pupils
Collège Van Gogh

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi, west-central Poland, located on the Warta River, welcomes about 500 pupils aged 7 to 15. Many international activities and projects: Erasmus+, eTwinning, UNICEF are aimed at including students disadvantaged by war and with special needs. Click here to visit the school.

Vincent Van Gogh school, in the north-east of France, welcomes about 700 pupils aged 10 to 15. Many projects in this school, including the webradio, are related to sustainable development goals. Click here to visit the school.

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 z

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