Let’s take SDGs actions!

This eTwinning project gathers pupils from France, Spain and Turkey. As responsible citizens, pupils take actions to reach the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

This project, entitled « Let’s take SDGs actions! », aims at making pupils work together by creating podcasts in English and at carrying out concrete actions to make people aware of the importance of the 17 sustainable development goals.

Pupils will also make podcasts and actions on International Days celebrated by @ONU-fr such as International Human Solidarity Day, International Women’s Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Segregation and International Sustainable Gastronomy Day.

93 pupils aged 14-15 take part in this project, 36 pupils from France (Van Gogh school in Blénod-lès Pont-à-Mousson), 25 students from Turkey (Kadıköy school) and 32 students from Spain (lES Jose Manuel Blecua in Zaragoza).

This project runs from November 2022 to June 2023.

The other purposes of the project are to develop pupils’ autonomy and their ability to work together.

Pupils will also improve their digital skills by using different digital tools and services to communicate through the Twinspace platform, for example.

We might occasionally invite other partners from UNESCO associated schools network to work with us on some specific International Days.

Erenköy Girls’ High School is a state project  school founded in 1911. It currently has  631 students. Our aims are to give our students broad education and foster students who are; self confident and fully developed socially as well as intellectually. With this perspective, we are running many educational and social projects. For more information, you can visit our web clicking here.

Erenköy Girls’ High School

Collège Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh school, in the north-east of France, welcomes about 700 pupils aged 10 to 15. Many projects in this school, including the webradio, are related to sustainable development goals. Click here to visit the school.

I.E.S Jose Manuel Blecua

I.E.S. José Manuel Blecua is a secondary school in Zaragoza, in the north-east of Spain. It hosts 800 students, aged 11 to 18, including compulsory education, baccalaureate and vocational training. Some of the leading lines of action are bilingualism (English-Spanish), digitalisation, STEAM and pedagogic innovation. It has been a certified e-Twinning school for the past six years. You can learn more about our centre clicking here.