My school trip to Strasbourg

Dessine-moi l’égalité des genres

Cartooning for peace

On Wednesday November 15th, our class went to the European parliament in Strasboug. We left school at 7am and came back at 6pm.

It was a wonderful experience because we don’t have this opportunity everyday !

We were with Mrs Clément, Mrs Negri and Mr Granveaux. First when we arrived at the parliament at 9am, we went through the security check. We were welcomed in a huge yard outside before a woman came and gave us a tag with our name and our first name. We had to carry it all day long.

When we entered the parliament, another woman showed us the way to a room  where the breakfast was served and we met a lot of other students from Grand Est. We ate croissants and drank milk, coffee, tea, orange juice or water. It was delicious ! Then we went to a meeting room during in the morning and in the afternoon.

At lunch we had some tasty pasta and snacks with pretzels, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots etc… and the dessert was a chocolate muffin or a pretzel with sugar.

After the speeches, we went to the hemicycle where European deputees meet and vote laws.

The day was fun and interesting.

Marina 1MV

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